Dirty snow, broken sleds, holes opening up everyhere and soft, wet snow…these are our local signs of spring. I’m excited that it’s March 1st! February was rainy with two weeks straight of rain that really melted our snow pack. But then we had some great sunny days and my husband and I were able to get out and take a few runs together one day last week. It was gorgeous! I can always count on him to get some great action shots. Like this one:
That’s right, I’m tightening my boot! But look at all that sunshine and nice snow! Then there’s this one…..I’m actually SIDE SLIPPING. Is it my first day on a snowboard? NO. Ha ha ha, but maybe he was looking at the view, and not at me. In my defense (yes, I feel like I need to defend myself) just out of view to the right was a group lesson of tiny skiers! They were so adorable! They make huge turns and I was trying to let them get ahead of me. Well, that didn’t take long for most of them. Gosh they are fast!
It was a beautiful day out there. Since then we have had more rain and are losing more snow. There are holes like this one opening up all over the place.
But it’s all good. We can ride around them!
Happy March! In just a few weeks it will officially be SPRING! Hooray for that! I’m certainly looking forward to it. Aren’t you??