Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Monday morning when I took the dog out it was 42 degrees.  I actually put on my puffy down jacket.  The leaves are changing in the hills.  We had had a few days of rain, mist and clouds.  It's that comfy grey blanket that many of us in the NW like to pull up over ourselves!  It's a "relief", so "relaxing" and we "love it".  Yes, those are the things I heard, this is what we say about the rain.... And just like that, snap!, summer is over.  I'm gonna say, here's your hat, what's your hurry?....Don't let the door hit you on the way out!...It wasn't my favorite summer, that's for sure.  

A few final images of the season , and then?  On to Fall!  I am looking forward to pleasant temps for running, some trips to the coast, flannels and hoodies, just enough sunny days and pumpkin ales!

1956 23-window VW Micro Bus @ Lucky Car Collector Fall Auction

You need rain for rainbows!
Scout, one more stick.  I'm so glad he had this season of fetching sticks in the lake!

No more waiting....they are here!



  1. So glad summer is on its way out. We don't have those beautiful temps but we are getting down into the 80s next week which will be a HUGE change lol

    1. Ha ha! maybe you won't have to run at 4 am :)

    2. So have you actually not posted since July or did I somehow lose track of you? How is running going? And everything else? Miss seeing your running updates~

  2. Yeah the 4am runs will continue to get them in before work but its too dark out so there will be more treadmill runs.

    Yeah I haven't posted in forever. It was a small break that has turned into an extended break lol. Running is going amazing. August was my best month ever with 112 total miles and 18000 feet of elevation gain. I'm really happy with my fitness level right now.

  3. 18,000 feet!? that is a great stat! I'm glad that your running is going well. That's terrific! Always feels so good to love your fitness level. I need to get back on track and I'm hoping with the cooler weather and a bit more free time I can do just that! have a great weekend Richard~ Glad all is well.

  4. Fall is such an exciting season to transition into. I find myself getting excited every morning, hoping it's here. Those beers are really cool. I wonder if they have them in California. The double rainbow pictures's pretty cool too.

  5. I LOVE this season! I've found the Pumking in some fairly obscure places so if you have a Total Wine nearby or probably even a Whole Foods you should be able to grab some. It is soooo delicious! My favorite pumpkin ale!
