Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Snow, yes please

Some lazy shots (From my window) of the BEAUTIFUL weather and new snow.  Finally, it's winter here!


  1. Love when the trees are covered in snow. Gorgeous up there!

  2. It is, but SO cold this week. 10 degrees this morning and windy...Go for a run?

  3. The cold wouldn't be bad, but the wind is just agony.

    First run was this morning, legs needed to warm up but felt great overall. Trying to plan my next race :)

  4. this past weekend we got about 3 feet in as many days! Crazy!

    So glad you are recovering well! that's great! So if you do ultras, and especially as a beginner, what's the recommendation on how many, how far apart etc?

  5. I was looking at a follow up ultra about 8 weeks after and my coach said that's doable, I personally feel more comfortable with about 10 weeks. 2 weeks to recover then about 8 weeks to train and taper. I'm going to post shortly about my upcoming plans but I've got about 12-13 weeks til me next ultra. Plenty of time to build back up :)

  6. 12 weeks seems like it would be good! Glad that you had such a positive experience! that's awesome

    1. I don't know about positive lol but overall it's an accomplishment I'm proud of. Now I need to keep improving :)

  7. had some more nice powder this morning but then it turned to freezing rain! Yuck. Now it's crusty....How about you? Hope you are having a great holiday season! Kids out of school yet for vacation?

  8. Perfect temps. Been around 45°. We are supposed to get some rain this weekend which could stink.

    This is the last week for school, holiday starts on Thu. Can't wait to see which running stuff I get for Xmas:)

  9. Hope you all have fun celebrating! Santa used to always get me new running shoes....but I returned those Altras a couple weeks ago and picked up a pair of shoes myself! I did however point Santa to some really nice socks! :)

  10. Loved your video! It couldn't have been that cold...didn't see your breath! :) So what did Santa bring you? Any good running gear?
    We had a nice day, yes! Very relaxing. didn't get out of my pajamas and had a fire outside after dinner. We have had another couple of feet of snow. So pretty! Hope to get out on the mt early tomorrow before the crowds. haven't been out yet...too busy and too many people!

  11. Haha for AZ it was freezing. Temps were about 35° which I can handle, but we had about 20 m/h winds. And that I cannot handle. Which is why I was all bundled up lol.

    We got snow up north this weekend and we thought about driving up. We decided to stay home and relax since we were so busy throughout the holidays.

    Better snap some snow pics, gotta share that snow with the rest of us lol

  12. It was nice, fairly quiet. The friends we usually celebrate NYE with were sick so we went up and had a beer with some other locals. it was pretty cold out so we didn't have a fire. You would love this morning's weather....9 degrees with windchill, -2! Lol!

  13. I guess it's a matter of perspective. I use to snowboard a lot and the mountain would get down to single digits. Never had a problem. But if I'm at the cabin just chillen, darn right I'm staying by the fireplace lol.

    We've been in heaven right now. 45° at night, 65° during the day. I love AZ lol

  14. Oh that does sound perfect! I was just out with the dog, it was 7...
