Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Still Looking...

I really thought that I had a match.  I’ve been looking for new running shoes for so long and I picked up a pair of La Sportiva’s .  I’m not sure what I was thinking with them , as they were the opposite of most shoes I like.  But you know, they felt good in the store.  Dont’ they always??
But on my feet, on the trail, up and down the mountain?  They felt like WAY too much shoe. After wearing shoes like Altras, Newtons and even my favorite original Brooks Pure Grit, this shoe did not have enough room in the toe box .  I had even sized up half a size, but my toes were hitting the very hard toe guard and that was fairly uncomfortable.  The laces were annoyingly long.  Sure, I didn’t lace the top hole but that was because the tongue was also huge and uncomfortable. The laces also tended to come undone, despite double knots.   They did have excellent traction, especially descending, I’ll give them that.  That feature was probably the only thing I did like about them.
But overall , it was just too much shoe.  They seem more like a nice hiking shoe (for someone else) but I was not comfortable wearing them running , or actually wearing them at all.  So glad REI has such an excellent  return policy.    I’ll have to keep looking…What are you wearing ??


  1. The running shoe dilemma lol.

    I've been running in New Balance Fresh Foam for a while now. 980 for road shoes and the Hierro for trail. Bought a few pairs of each a while back so I don't go through the same problem as you lol.

  2. LOL IS RIGHT! Ha ha ha. I think as soon as I find "THE" shoe I'm gonna buy 3 pairs! I've done that in the past and it's so satisfying to have extra pairs hoarded under the bed! :)

  3. I like looking in my closet and seeing multiple boxes of shoes.

    What are you trying next??

  4. hmm, you know I think I am going to just go to Road Runner Sports and try on everything! I really love my Altras, but sadly , because they are really soft and squishy, I found they didn't last long enough for me. ($$) I pronate fairly strong in one foot so that one shoe wore unevenly in about 3 months and I am NOT a high mileage runner. I might go back to some Asics for a road shoe and try some other stuff for trail....maybe the Asics fuji something or other with the neoprene cuff? I gets so wet here and I always have to put my trail shoes on the shoe dryer. My old pair of Adidas is about a whole size smaller from being over dried! Lol!

  5. I use to run in Asics but then I tried their trail shoes and everything changed. The pair I tried had a rock plate in the toe area which was cool but immediately gave me blisters. Took them back and that's when I got into the New Balances. Now that's all I run in :)

  6. why do they change shoes? Don't even get me started on rock plates! I had a pair of Brooks pure grits that I loved and they ruined later versions by adding a rock plate. I also tried the Cascadia....the rock plate was terrible. Like running with a cookie sheet in your shoe!!Seriously, I went on about it for weeks. My husband was so sick of hearing my rock plate rant! The asics I liked were road shoes, but again, did not last long enough for me. It's funny though because my husband is a BIG fan of his new balance shoes, both trail and road. When the subject of running shoes comes up he will go on for at least an hour about his NB's!

    1. Me and him would get along great. I do the same thing about New Balance. I guess it's time for you to jump on the band wagon lol

    2. Me and him would get along great. I do the same thing about New Balance. I guess it's time for you to jump on the band wagon lol

  7. We are going shoe shopping today. I will need to rein him in on the New Balances! :)
    Have a great holiday weekend!

  8. Did you see my new post? Ha ha, I'm waiting on the two pairs. I think the asics will be here tomorrow. I'm hoping the mid Altras will be great. I tried on the regular lone peak 3.0 though in the store and it's a bit different than my beloved 2.5! Not as much room in the toe box and they added some toe guard features that were stiff and hit my toe. So we'll see. But the ones I got are mid height and waterproof!
    Cold here this morning, 40! Felt like I needed mittens!
    How's the training schedule going??
