Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Things ~ Luna & Blueberry

Since Mae arrived the cats have been fairly annoyed.  They feel under appreciated and are irritated every time they see her!  So, here's their moment in the spotlight.....


Blueberry is a 4 yr old sweetie that my daughter got as a kitten from the local "crazy cat lady".  The "crazy cat lady" (does every neighborhood have one?) was actually a really wonderful elderly woman who fed the neighborhood strays, took care of their kittens and rounded up as many as she could to be spayed and neutered.  She moved a couple of years ago and oddly, there are very few stray cats now!  Maybe they followed her out of town, like the Pied Piper?

Luna is a 3 year old Maine Coon.  My daughter adopted her from the local shelter. She was underweight, dirty and had been in the shelter more than once!  With a little food and love and lots of brushing and bathing (which she HATES), she has blossomed into this beautiful cat! 

Mae really really wants to be friends with Blue and Luna.  But in true cat fashion, they steadfastly ignore her and keep her in her place ( as far away as possible) with hissing and a few well placed right jabs. I'm sure though that someday they will welcome her into the household!

We have another cat , Rosebud or "Kitty Roca" .  KR is a huge, old, strange looking black cat with a wonky golden eye. She looks like she should be in an animated movie. (have you seen The Cat Returns ?)  She was adopted by my son after a friend's grandmother moved to elderly housing and couldn't bring her.  My son was asked to take her to the shelter, but of course he couldn't! 

Do you have a cat?  Or cats?  I would love to hear about them!


  1. Cats?? Um no...we are definitely not a cat family lol. Two dogs and that's enough for me :)

  2. People either seem to love them or hate them! I know Buster. What's your other dog?

  3. His name is Shaggy, he is a small yorkie shitzu mix, he is pretty much a cat lol. Hates going outside and definitely hates going for a run. I'll have to throw him up on the blog sometime so everyone can meet him.

  4. Oh he sounds so CUTE! I saw an ad at the vet last week for yorkie tempting!

  5. He isn't that cute, plus I trim him most of the time because his coat grows so fast. I'm sure people think "oh that poor dog" lol

    1. Definitely kidding, he is a good dog, just lazy lol

  6. "He isn't that cute"!! Ha ha ha! that's funny! I've been meaning to ask you if you have read Born To Run? I have a copy that needs to be re-homed if you are interested. It's a good read!

  7. No I haven't. Maybe some day, I have a few books from church and even Running For The Hanson's from Sage Canaday. Just no time to sit down and read. I know it sounds like excuses 😏

  8. No, I understand! Sometimes it takes me so long to finish a book I have to start over so I know what was going on!

  9. Hey are you going to do my Versatile Blogger Award or what?? Still waiting to see that post :)

  10. I think I replied to this but it went somewhere else! So wait....I did that and I had to go back and look but you responded too! Lol! Heat must be getting to ya! Axl Rose, sleep....ring a bell?

  11. Hahahahaha that was literally your last post before this one lol in losing my mind over here...

  12. I knew you were affected by the sun! Lol, just admit it! Seriously though, back-to-school is such a hectic time of year! hang in there!

  13. Hey have you ever considered doing video logs?? Some of the bloggers are doing it and it's been suggested to me. Still thinking through that
